Friday, December 10, 2010

There's No Place Like Home For The Holidays

Today we managed to cram about a weekends worth of decorating into a few short hours and now our house smells and looks a lot like Christmas.
I should have known better than to let Alex have unlimited access to the ornaments but being only 4-years old, it was inevitable that we'd soon find a delicate ornament on the floor, broken. It's a shame that it just happen to be Sammy's second most beloved ornament and the tears started flowing. I felt for the both of them really. Sammy sat crumpled on the floor completely devastated while Alex looked completely out of sorts not understanding why Sammy was heart broken. Tis the season.

Though tears were shed, can you think of anything sweeter than watching your children decorate the Christmas Tree. Pure love I tell you.

The girls made merry by playing nicely with their holiday train set that we bought last year at Rite Aid for $14. It works best with only two out of the four cars attached... for $14, can't complain. And it's just right for the Littlest Pet Shop toys to ride on too.

Every year we go to the same Christmas tree lot.

And for some reason, the pine cones got the most attention.

Each year I believe our current tree is better than the one from last year. I'm just in awe of them all. It amazes me how a tree, a tree that we see every single day of the year, suddenly becomes this treasured object that we just can't live without. It's crazy. Now if only I can keep it green until Christmas morning. I'm sure in about a week I'll be cursing it as I fall into the routine of having to sweep up pine needles. I'll just have to remind myself that sweeping pine needles is a small nuisance compared to the large smiles it puts on my children's faces.

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