Fresh is exactly how it sounds. From the clothing to the home accessories everything is very much in style and suitable for all taste. One pet peeve of mine is that many home stores carry accessories and furniture for much larger homes. I mean honestly, do you really need a bowl the size of semi-truck tire to display fruit? I think not. Fresh carries a dainty assortment of timeless, affordable upscale products - no semi-truck size bowls in here.
When I first saw the lavender glass bottles I knew this was the store for me. These bottles are actually candle holders and I'd love to buy several of them to hang in the tree in my backyard for a summer evening dinner under the stars. But, instead I opted for the much more needed make-up bag. Maybe the candle holders will be my next purchase.
Fresh is located at 7309 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98115. 206.522.3774.
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