Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gingerbread Boy Pancakes

A few days before Christmas I asked Sammy what she wanted for breakfast on Christmas morning. She said she'd like gingerbread pancakes. Knowing my girls, I figured I better stick with our normal pancake recipe and instead just make the pancakes in the shape of a gingerbread boy. {I'm positive that the taste of gingerbread first thing in the morning would not have gone over very well}.

The girls decorated their gingerbread boys with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. Had I put more thought into this project I would have bought cranberries, blueberries and other stuff for decorating. I had raisins and forgot to put those out. Even still, the girls had fun. Oh, and the syrup was the glue that held everything in place.

Isn't he cute?

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