Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Giggles, Books and a Sunset

There are so few things in this world that make me chuckle as much as my children. Even when they're feeling down with stuffy noses all red and sore from blowing them all day, they still manage to find the humor in it all. Tonight while rubbing their chests with Vicks VapoRub, something I rarely do because I often forget that the old remedies work best, they giggled and squirmed with delight. For some reason, I had imagined that they would be laying in their beds all stuffily and tired whilst I soothed them to sleep, tenderly rubbing Vicks VapoRub on their chests. I imagined that I'd be saying nurturing things like, Shhhhh, there, there, hush... no doubt this imaginary scene playing in my mind was inspired by the plethora of mid-century sitcoms I watched growing up. 

In a few days my library books will expire and I'm torn on whether I should re-new them. I have two lovely children's books that I really do not want to part with. I've been  in  a children's book rut lately only finding stories about princesses and fairies and the like. I wanted to find books that stretched the imagination, but couldn't. Well, I'm here to tell you that I've found them. You may have read these stories already and so I apologize for being late to the party.

The first book is Bella & Bean by Rebecca Kai Dotlich. It's about two mice who are best friends, but they couldn't be more different. Bella wants to write poems, and Bean wants to go for a walk. Bean wants desperately for her friend Bella to come along with her, but Bella refuses and instead she remains deeply devoted to her poetry. However, Bella soon finds that her poems are mostly inspired by her friend, Bean. Together they are quite a pair and when they're apart, they keep each other close in their hearts and minds. This is truly a sincere story about friendship and about compromise. I may just have to buy it because I really don't want to return it. 

The next book is called, It's A Secret, by John Burningham. You know him right? He's the guy that wrote Mr. Gumpys Outing and Mr. Gumpys Motor Car and much more. It's a Secret, is just about as understated as can be. The book cover is curious with such an alluring title that I just had to check it out. Have you ever wondered where your cat goes at night? Well you're not alone. One evening Marie Elaine goes into the kitchen to get a glass of water and she finds her cat, Malcolm, standing by the cat door all dressed up ready to go out. Marie Elaine asks him where he's going and he invites her to come along. Marie Elaine puts on a party dress and then shrinks down to the size of a cat so that she can fit through the cat door. The two of them go out for the night. Now ain't that a kick in the head? The rest of the story is just as curious. If you haven't read it, oh my, you must.

And then finally, a magnificent sunset {ignore the power lines}. The beauty goes forever doesn't it? Night all.

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