Sunday, November 1, 2009

Starbucks Pumpkin Scones and Crafts

The Pumpkin Scones at Starbucks are so delicious. On Halloween, we went to the University District Farmer's Market where I picked up a pumpkin just for baking. I found the scone recipe here.

You can use canned pumpkin, but instead I used fresh pumpkin. It's easy, just cut the pumpkin in half, then scrape out the seeds and stringy middle.

Try to get out as much of the fibrous middle as you can. As you can see, I managed to get most of it out of one side, and the other, not so much.

Then rub olive oil on the pumpkin flesh, turn upside down on a roasting pan lined with foil, cover with foil, then bake at 425 for 1 hour.

The roasted pumpkin will be very tender and will pull away from the skin easily.

I pureed the cooked pumpkin with orange juice to thin it out a bit. The color and consistency is wonderful.

You'll see that the recipe shows two types of icing. I used just the plain powdered sugar and milk rather than the one with all the added spices. The scone itself has lots of flavor and to add more spices to the icing would be overkill. In my opinion.

Changing subjects.

My mom made these adorable Halloween treat bags for my girls. They're recycled Starbucks bags. My mom got this idea from Martha Stewart and ran with it.

These bags are so cute and my girls were delighted to see them. They both exclaimed, "Grammy made these? WOW!"

Wow is right. What a great idea for making something old, new again.

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